- ARRI short film
The short film “Holy Curse,” directed by Snigdha Kapoor and created by a predominantly female crew, explores the sensitive and natural process of exploring one’s gender identity within India’s culturally diverse and complex family structures.
Behind the scenes, DP Juhi Sharma used ALEXA Mini LF for its dynamic range and skin tone rendition, essential for the film’s many outdoor scenes. The crew also relied on SkyPanels S30 and S60 to ensure precise lighting control under India’s intense sunlight.
There are people who makes amazing short films with high end equipment like ARRI products. Alexa 65 or Alexa 35 are the rock stars of 2023\2024, you can rent them with ARRI to have an amazing productions with top of the top quality.
- 65mm Quentin tarantino
8 years since the release of Quentin Tarantino’s “The hateful eight” Filmed by DOP Robert Richardson ASC.
This film marks an iconic shift in cinematography as it re-established the 1.3 squeeze of the ultra panavision optics which has popularised the large format anamorphic format since!
Shot on System 65, a large format camera, it wasn’t until “The hateful eight” that the camera system was modernized and re-invigorated the love of shooting on film. Since then, these cameras have continued to capture movie magic on other incredible 65mm many projects.
Emma Stone has been nominated for BEST ACTRESS (Musical or Comedy) for #PoorThingsFilm by the Golden Globes!
Willem Dafoe has been nominated for BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR for Poor Things by the Golden Globes! #GoldenGlobes #PoorThingsFilm
PoorThingsFilm has been nominated for SEVEN GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS including BEST PICTURE, BEST DIRECTOR Yorgos Lanthimos, BEST ACTRESS Emma Stone,
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe, BEST SCREENPLAY Tony McNamara, and BEST ORIGINAL SCORE Jerskin Fendrix. Golden Globes #GoldenGlobes
Mark Ruffalo has been nominated for BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR for Poor Things by the Golden Globes! #GoldenGlobes #PoorThingsFilm
En español:
El increíblemente bello arte promocional y fan art de “Poor Things”: La nueva entrega de Yorgos Lanthimos titulada “Poor Things” está recibiendo excelentes críticas, y no sólo de los críticos de cine. Sus diseños de carteles también están causando furor entre aquellos que anhelan el regreso de un enfoque más artístico a los carteles de películas. Se ha lanzado una serie de diseños de carteles para la comedia negra de fantasía steampunk y presentan a Emma Stone con varias intervenciones pictóricas. Seguramente un candidato para nuestra selección de los mejores carteles de películas del año, los diseños muestran que los carteles de películas no tienen por qué ser todos cabezas flotantes. Los diseños son obra del diseñador gráfico Vasilis Marmatakis, radicado en Atenas. Ha sido colaborador habitual de Lanthimos en el diseño de carteles para The Lobster, Dogtooth y The Favourite entre otros, y su trabajo siempre tiene un enfoque inteligente pero llamativo
- The Harry Potter Cast is All Grown Up
The cast of Hogwarts has greatly evolved since their last cinematic appearance. Helena Bonham, for example, despite not looking a day over 30, is already 55 and you’d love to know what she does these days. Scarlett Byrne has also moved forward, and so have the other cast members.
It’s more than twenty years since Harry Potter first graced the big screen, a fact that will make many movie-goers feel old! Many people went on a magical journey with the wizard and his friends. The series had a huge cast, some of whom were quite unknown before the movies, but all who had an impact on Potter fans through the years.
So, what’s going on with the cast members since 20 years ago? let’s see where their wands have taken them.
Daniel Radcliffe has transformed from the boy wizard in the years since. His career has soared, but he’s chosen different roles to explore his acting talents. From stage time in “Equus” to scaring the daylights out of audiences in movies like “The Woman in Black”, he’s definitely shed any typecast he might have been put into post Harry Potter.
So, how about Tom Felton? Well, although Tom’s apparently quite a nice guy, according to fellow cast members, he’s become pretty good at playing the villain. Tom can just nail that evil streak, with people sensing the malice beneath the surface. One of his most notable roles since Draco has been on “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”. There’s sure to be more to come as the actor matures.
Anyone who doesn’t know what Emma Watson has done since leaving Harry Potter must be living under a rock. The young lady has transformed herself from a child star to a UN Ambassador, campaigner for equal rights as well as a fashion icon. She has also had some starring roles along the way, in movies like “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, and the recent adaptation of “Beauty and the Beast”. Emma Watson is just as good as Hermione, if not better.
So, what’s happened with Domnhall Gleeson lately? The actor is a big fan of movie franchises; he’s also played Hux in the “Star Wars” movies. Although that villain is a far cry from Bill Weasley, Gleeson has also played some kinder characters such as A.A Milne in “Goodbye Christopher Robin”. A consummate professional, it’s clear Domhnall will follow in the footsteps of his father.
Bonnie Wright is just as impressive in real life. Her own good deeds have seen her compared to fellow co-star, Emma Watson. She has had roles in movies such as “The Sea” and “Before I Sleep” and is frequently seen campaigning for women’s rights and working on environmental issues. This actress is committed to making the world a better place.
None other than Brendan Gleeson. Although the actor only started pursuing his dream at age 33, he has had a string of hits since. From “Gangs of New York” to “Braveheart”, it seems he has a knack for choosing great roles. He also has a passion for music and recently recorded a song called “The Rocky Road to Dublin” with the Irish folk group, “Dervish.”
So, how about Evanna Lynch? There’s no doubt she’s a very talented young lady. She’s recently taken part in the popular US dance show “Dancing with the Stars” and has gained a lead role in the Irish film “My Name Is Emily”. Popular on both sides of the Atlantic, there’ll be more to come on Evanna Lynch.
James actually played the part alongside his twin brother Oliver. Although James has starred in some roles since the end of the series, he’s mostly known for his dedication to charity. He and his brother support the Teenage Cancer Trust, and James has climbed the three highest peaks in the UK in 24 hours to raise money for them. This is one actor using his fame to help those in need.
Rupert Grint is even quieter than his screen alter-ego and has since opted for smaller roles such as that in the British comedy series, Sick Note. He’s also been confused with another fellow ginger, Ed Sheeran. Amid the JK Rowling controversy surrounding the trans community, Grint has spoken out against Rowling’s concerns when he said, “I liken JK Rowling to an auntie. I don’t necessarily agree with everything my auntie says, but she’s still my auntie. It’s a tricky one.”
- Carolyn Jones
Carolyn Jones, ícono de lo macabro de Hollywood / En Español
Carolyn Jones, ícono de lo macabro de Hollywood
Carolyn Jones es principalmente recordada por su interpretación de Morticia Addams, la matriarca de la mundialmente famosa y macabra Familia Addams, en su adaptación de 1964. Aunque la talentosa actriz dedicó toda su vida a su carrera, no siempre lo tuvo fácil. Su trágica vida estuvo marcada por diversos altibajos a lo largo de los años: encasillamiento artístico, problemas de salud, relaciones tumultuosas que la llevaron a contraer varios matrimonios, e incluso, la pobreza.
Estaba destinada a ser una estrella desde su nacimiento
Carolyn Jones nació el 28 de abril de 1930 en Amarillo, Texas, de su madre, Chloe Jeanette Southern, ama de casa, y su padre, Julius Alfred Jones, barbero. Desde una edad muy temprana cautivó a todo el mundo con su vívida imaginación y su afición a contar historias. Además de poseer un talento innato, Carolyn estaba destinada a ser una estrella por una razón en particular: su madre, una entusiasta del cine, la música y el glamour de Hollywood de toda la vida, inculcó en el corazón de su hija la pasión por la industria del entretenimiento. De hecho, la llamó Carolyn por Carole Lombard, una de sus actrices de cine favoritas.
Su vida tuvo un abrupto final
Carolyn Jones llevó una vida distinguida y lujosa durante décadas, a pesar de sus problemas de salud y de todas las adversidades que enfrentó. Era una mujer valiente, decidida y persistente, que sabía lo que quería y no se detenía ante nada para conseguirlo. Sin embargo, todas las cosas deben llegar a su fin, y así lo hizo también la vida de la actriz.
Los amores de su vida
A pesar de su gran pasión, su matrimonio duró sólo un año antes de que la pareja se divorciara. Posteriormente, Jones estuvo casada con el productor de televisión Aaron Spelling, desde 1953 hasta 1964, año en que se separaron. En 1968 se casó con Herbert Greene, un director musical, arreglista vocal y productor de Broadway ganador de un premio Tony (que también fue su entrenador vocal), de quien se divorció en 1977.
En julio de 1983, Carolyn entró en coma. Finalmente, la actriz murió el 3 de agosto de 1983, en su casa de West Hollywood, California; en ese momento, tenía 53 años. El 5 de agosto, tras su cremación, se celebró un servicio en su honor en la funeraria Glasband-Willen de Altadena, California. Carolyn, siempre atenta, hizo arreglos antes de su muerte para donar su traje y peluca de Morticia a la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas. Más tarde, la UCLA recibió de su viudo una colección de guiones de La Familia Addams, lo que garantiza que su icónica interpretación de Morticia Addams nunca será olvidada.
Full article
By By Allison Levine | July 25, 2023